Friday, July 25, 2014

Time to get Serious ~ UPDATE!

I posted a while back that I was going to try and lose 10 lbs.

 My son Jason came to visit for two weeks just a short time after that so my diet went out the window.  However, I managed not to gain more than 3 lbs while he was here.  I weighed in at 168.6 tonight, well below the 175 I was at a couple of months ago.  Going to try and hit 165 and level off there...  Been eating very little lately, 1 good meal a day and a few snacks along with a protein shake and some fuit.  Trying to drink more water and less beer.  I love a good cold beer in the HOT summer!

I have a Combat Hapkido seminar to attend on August 9 and then my 35th High School Reunion on August 16th.  Trying to keep the weight off for these two events.  My back has healed very nicely and I am working out full force again.  Looking forward to getting back into premium shape again for a change..  Like my buddy Lou here!



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